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perception perspective produced by computer technology that Waliczky calls the «Water-dRop Perspective.»[51] All the same, at issue here is not the psychologizing representation of subjective or psychedelic perception. The perspective constantly remains a 360° comprehensive field of perception, imposing the same optical dimensions on all surrounding objects. Lev Manovich writes on the relationship of a virtual camera to virtual surroundings: «[T]he camera and the world similarly function as parts of a single gestalt, creating an effect which is larger than the sum of the individual parts. … Waliczky's virtual camera operating [sic] not only as a tool of perception but also as a tool of epistemology.»[52]
The spectrum of possible perspectives of observation or perception was extended with the introduction of technical apparatuses of vision to those areas of perception that go beyond natural human vision. A technologically produced perspective of perception, nevertheless tied to an actual seeing subject, is presented by Jochem Hendricks in his series of «eye drawings.» With the help of an «eye-tracking system,»[53] the eye movements of a person
are registered while the person looks through infrared, video and computer technology; these movements are then transmitted to a representation in lines. In this way, graphics emerge that make individual perception externally visible, whereby the perception organ simultaneously becomes the instrument of expression. The technically produced image as an affect of the reading of a newspaper or by the visual scanning of a portrait—is thus always tied to the natural perspective of a human standpoint of observation.
At the opposite end of the spectrum of technical visual aids is the abandonment of the natural human perspective. Devices that enable a view of reality not available to the naked human eye often come from the areas of medicine or science. These include microscopes that make the smallest elements visible, X-ray devices or sonar, which allow a view in the inside the body,[54] or telescopes that enable gazing into outer space.
Art+Com has developed a system that not only opens a view on a certain detail of our world but under use of a complex data system enables comprehensive viewing of our earth. «Terravision,» a