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amateur photography as well will be stored on hard disks or CDROMs. Will that complicate the assigning of time and the material-related factors? And how do you find the material that you work with? Do you buy collections complied on CD-ROMs or hard disks, or is it always found photographic material, which, regardless of being digital or analog productions, still have a trace of plasticity. As for the everyday digital practice, which once had an avant-garde status, hasn’t this been somewhat overtaken and integrated now into the overall digital image production?

Sasse: In 1995, I exhibited processed images for the first time. [1] I had already worked with the technique for two years. What I feared most then was having this perceived from outside. Now he made somthing by computer. For me, a totally boring aspect: the computer is simply the tool that I always work with. I busy myself with it, without thinking about it. But this really is very good: I no longer have to work out for myself all the implications that happen inside it. I also like the step of going from the sketches in the computer to the wall again. The sketches can not be printed, because they never exist as photographs; they


become totally reworked digitally. Therefore I use a digital exposure. This is going to be normal ten years from now, since the customary methods for exposing photographs will no longer exist, or only be done at great expense by specialists. The analog-digital debate is as heated as ever; in my opinion, this is about a shift that merely takes place on a technical plain. I’m not excluding the fact that each and every technical change has an enormous influence on the production of images. But I don’t think that, if something like the essential or indescribable exists in photography, or that point where photography becomes what it really is – I don’t think any of this will be fundamentally effected by the analog-digital area of conflict.

Daniels: What I really meant was that, with image data, something like an aging process in the colors, perhaps caused by storing conditions, would no longer be possible.

Sasse: Yes it would! Don’t underestimate technology! I bought my first digital camera in 1997. It did as much as today’s photo-mobile, and its color range was very limited. This was the result of a combination of inferior optical conditions and the

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