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conceptions from the 1910s and 1920s and classical subjects like television, audio art, and performance, and readings that concentrate on socio-political aspects or proceed in terms of communication aesthetics, perception aesthetics, as well as a classical art-historical perspective, each try to illuminate the field from a different perspective. Intersections are unavoidable and are thus also a welcome expression of the multiple perspectives. Finally, this survey is completed by two essays that focus on the particular form of virtual narration as well as the relationship between media-art and institutions.

The Development of «Media Art Net 2»

As an introduction to media art, «Media Art Net 1» lays the foundation for Volume 2 (Fall 2004), which will deal with specific issues in the context of media art. These emphases will explore discourses in a more extensive way, allowing for a more in-depth discussion, and explore connections to other areas, like the history


and theory of science, film history and cultural studies. With this, we hope to make possible a field of discourse that strengthens lines of association, instead of remaining imprisoned in media or genrespecific categories. Finally, the networking of the participating academics, curators, as well as the respective institutions and most importantly also the concrete commissioning of artists to program their own perspectives on the contexts and questions of the project and the Internet, encourages a multi-disciplinary approach to communication. These art projects-so far Daniela Plewe «ArtAbstracts,» Blank & Jeron, «Making Sense of it all,» and Ismael Celis, «Intermaps»-are only available on the Internet; in order to preserve the complementary relationship between Net and book, it thus needs to be pointed out that the original field of discourse is to be found on the web under


Translation by Brian Currid