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1. icon: author Heike Helfert «Technological Constructions of Space-Time Aspects of Perception»
in a historical context. By developing electronic image tools and using these technologies, Woody Vasulka, often together with Steina Vasulka, has been developing technologically and aesthetically new kinds of forms of digital image production and manipulation since [more]more
2. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Form Follows Format Tensions, Museums, Media Technology, and Media Art»
[4] The most important and finest exhibition on this subject, «Eigenwelt der Apparate-Welt. Pioneers of Electronic Art,» was presented at Ars Electronica in Linz by Steina and Woody Vasulka in 1992. Cf. also Siegfried Zielinski, Zur Geschichte des Videorecorders, Berlin, 1986, and coming right up to date, the list of «Dead Media,» recorded by Bruce Sterling. [more]more
3. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Form Follows Format Tensions, Museums, Media Technology, and Media Art»
as well? In the early 1980s, newly developed synthesizers and technological experiments by Nam June Paik, for example, or Steina and Woody Vasulka seem to be only [more]more
4. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Form Follows Format Tensions, Museums, Media Technology, and Media Art»
in Linz in the «Eigenwelt der Apparate-Welt. Pioneers of Electronic Art» exhibition in 1992. The artists/curators Steina and Woody Vasulka did not just accumulate all the old apparatuses, they were also responsible for presenting [more]more