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1. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Media → Art / Art → Media Forerunners of media art in the first half of the twentieth century»
carrying out their ideas. They had to become inventors and handymen to make their utopias visible and audible. Russolo built his «Intonarumori» himself; Vertov wore himself out vainly trying to make sound montages using gramophone [more]more
2. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
Italian Futurists considered the rhythm of machines to be an aesthetic expression of their epoch, and thus in 1913 the painter Luigi Russolo proclaimed the ‹art of noise›: «Ancient life was all silent. In the nineteenth century, with the invention [more]more
3. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
a musician in the pre-modern age his measure of all things was music played by human beings. Even the inventor of noise music, Luigi Russolo, could not conceive of taking this step. By wanting to «give pitches to these diverse noises, regulating them [more]more