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Jochen Gerz «The Trans-Sib. Prospect»
Jochen Gerz, «The Trans-Sib. Prospect», 1977

Dan Graham «Homes for America»| Abramovic, Marina; Ulay «Incision»| Bruce Nauman «Lip Sync»| Samuel Beckett «Night and Dreams»| Abramovic, Marina; Ulay «Relation in Space»

 Jochen Gerz
«The Trans-Sib. Prospect»

Jochen Gerz' contribution to the 'documenta 6' in Kassel was a journey spent in a shuttered compartment on the Trans-Siberian Railway for 16 days and 16 nights. He took along 16 slates on which he rested his feet. All evidence of the journey had to be burned subsequently, meaning his footprints on the slates were the sole surviving evidence. The audience's uncertainty as to whether the journey ever took place was part of his concept.