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Klaus, vom Bruch «Jam-Jam Project»
Klaus, vom Bruch, «Jam-Jam Project», 1993
Photograph: Lothar Schnepf | ©
View into the rooms that conclude the exhibition with the mobile video projectors in action. A static projection is running on each of the two end walls, showing two politicians in their media setting: Gaddhafi and Walter Ulbricht.

Gordon Pask «The Colloquy of Mobiles»| Laetitia Sonami «Lady's Glove»| Samuel Beckett »Quadrat I + II«| Günther Selichar «Screens, cold»

 Klaus, vom Bruch
«Jam-Jam Project»

The title quotes the Chaplin Film 'Ein König in New York' (1956): 'Sie schmieren einfach Crown-Cheese auf eine Scheibe Toast, beißen ab, sagen Jam-Jam, und zehntausend Dollar sind Ihre!' The lightness of modern existence, acted out and grotesque, is the starting-point for artistic access to media and technology.
The approach to constructing of the model-like big dipper and also the equipment is clearly one of ‚do it yourself‘. The artist is not concerned with simulating the sophisticated procedures of contemporary technology as he throws things together, but with tangibly visible acquisition, which shows us how he can take pleasure in playing and in imagination, as well as his fascination with it all. The viewer looks at the small technical objects ironically and critically. They reveal vom Bruch's political attitude, which in the media age also principally addresses the accessibility of the means of production.