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Dan Graham «Fun House for Münster» | Fun House für Münster
Dan Graham, «Fun House for Münster», 1997
Fun House für Münster | Photograph: Rudolf Frieling | © Dan Graham

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 Dan Graham
«Fun House for Münster»

«Octagon for Münster,» from 1987, was the first of Grahm’s mirrored-pavilions for the exhibition series Sculpture Projects in Münster. In 1997, he designed the «Fun House».
«Both pavilions are ‹photogenic places› for parents and children, places that invite picnics and relaxing in park settings. Both works are conceived in relation to the park’s overall layout and to the city. The «Fun House» refers to a nearby playground; its curved facade refers to the circular, urban layout passed down from the Romans. The use of transparent, mirrored glass is a reference to newer office and government buildings and banks. The «Fun House» is a narrow parallelogram with three straight sides made of two-way mirrored glass, an open side, and a fourth side, whose outer surface is made of concave, transparent mirror and causes anamorphic distortions. The ordered geometry of the noncurved sides reflects the distorted imagery of the fourth side, so that all four sides appear to be anamorphic.[...] Here cinematic, urban, and psychological effects clash with the idyllic park landscape».

(source: «Dan Graham» in: Skulptur. Projekte in Münster 1997, Klaus Bußmann et al. (eds.), Ostfildern, 1997, p. 183f.)