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Videorebellen «Video rebels: 'West Protest'»
Videorebellen, «Video rebels: 'West Protest'», 1981
Photograph: Dieter Daniels | © Videorebellen

Videorebellen «Video rebels: 'West Protest'»Videorebellen «Video rebels: 'West Protest'» | West Protest

Categories: Video | Television

Keywords: Counter Culture

Germany | Archive / Collection: Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Mainz

unbekannt (unknown) «telephone concerts»

«Video rebels: 'West Protest'»

Appearing under the name 'Video Rebels' in ZDF television's arts programme 'Aspekte' on 5 June 1981, Klaus vom Bruch, Rune Mields, Marcel Odenbach and Ulrike Rosenbach humorously protest against the large-scale 'Westkunst' ('Western Art') exhibition running in Cologne at the time. Conceived as a survey of contemporary art since 1939, the show ignored the developments of the 1970s, and video art in particular. Television makers were on the video artists' side in this particular case, and offered them a forum for their criticism. The reporter visits the artists’ ‘ATV-Studio’ with a request for a statement.