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Bernhard Leitner «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN» | TON-RAUM (sketch)
Bernhard Leitner, «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN», 1984
TON-RAUM (sketch) | © Bernhard Leitner
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Bernhard Leitner «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN»Bernhard Leitner «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN» | TON-RAUM (sketch)Bernhard Leitner «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN»

Categories: Audio Art

Keywords: Space | Architecture

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icon: authorGolo Föllmer «Audio Art»

Berlin | Germany | Concept: Bernhard Leitner | Edition / Production: Architektengemeinschaft Fehr und Partner; Prof. Dr. Manfred Krause, TU Berlin | Archive / Collection: Technical University (TU) Berlin, Berlin

 Bernhard Leitner

The «Sound-Space TU Berlin» is a permanent, sound installation located in the main building of the Technical University of Berlin. In a cube-shaped passageway cum room in which three corridors meet, Leitner built a sound-absorbing covering, with 42 hidden speakers distributed over the wall surfaces. Leitner sees the space as an electronic instrument from which an immaterial architecture can be retrieved using complex, programmed compositions. In the process, he liquefies architectural qualities such as proportion, tension and weight, by making these characteristics temporal and flexible. In the reverse, the constructional coordinates offer the structures for a musical event.


Golo Föllmer