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Diana Thater «Broken Circle»
Diana Thater, «Broken Circle», 1997
2001 | Courtesy: Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Siegen | Photograph: Roman Mensing/ | © ;
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Diana Thater «Broken Circle»Diana Thater «Broken Circle»Diana Thater «Broken Circle»
United States | 6 Videoprojektoren, 6 Laserdisc-Player, Synchronizer | Concept: Diana Thater | Archive / Collection: Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Siegen | video projection

 Diana Thater
«Broken Circle»

With this site-specific video installation, originally presented in an old round tower within the context of the exhibition «Skulptur. Projekte in Münster 1997,» Diana Thater projects video footage on the concave walls of the old Staircase in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Siegen. A herd of horses can be seen, running in a radius that mirrors the radius of the location itself. All sorts of manipulation techniques are used to modify the projection, which was filmed with six cameras. For instance, all of the normal colors are broken down into the basic video color spectrum (red, green, blue, light blue, magenta, yellow), so that the horses constantly change colors as they slowly move across the screen and around the room.