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Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»
Agnes Hegedüs, «Between the Words», 1995
© Agnes Hegedüs

Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»Agnes Hegedüs «Between the Words»

Fluxus Gruppe (Fluxus Group) «Fluxus Group»

 Agnes Hegedüs
«Between the Words»

This installation constitutes a specific modality of remote communication between two persons where facial expression and hand gestures are its essential agencies. Two people face each other through an opening in a wall where an optical system of semi-transparent mirrors allows computer-generated virtual images to appear in the space between them. Viewers can put their hands into holes on each side of the wall in order to manipulate multi-axis joysticks controlling these two pairs of virtual hands. As these hands are interactively moved, their gestures change continuously. This is achieved by an algorithmic metamorphosis of the lines that constitute each hand, creating an interplay of transitions between each gesture. The two viewers enjoy visual communication with each other via this meta-language of gestural permutations. Face to face, they interactively manipulate surrogate virtual hands to articulate a non-verbal, yet eloquent, dialogue.


Agnes Hegedüs