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ATV «ATV-Studio»
ATV, «ATV-Studio», 1977

ATV «ATV-Studio»ATV «ATV-Studio»ATV «ATV-Studio»ATV «ATV-Studio»

Categories: Television

Keywords: Counter Culture

Works by ATV:

ATV Action

Cologne | Germany

Lev Manovich «Soft Cinema»| Ulrike Rosenbach «Or-Phelia»


Together with Marcel Odenbach, the Cologne-based video artists Ulrike Rosenbach and Klaus vom Bruch founded the ‘Alternative Television’ group (ATV) in their video studio. However, the degree of collaboration with public TV stations in Germany resulting from their endeavours was minimal.
'It was an idea in the pre-private television era in Germany. It was the idea of opposing the monotonous aesthetic and subjects of the official TV broadcasters with artists’ TV – something more ambitious, more experimental, than entertainment. It was intended to be a critical rejoinder to the German TV landscape and its output. Conveniently, we labelled our own video productions ATV products. In addition, we made pirate broadcasts into the neighbourhood, and put on public video screenings in our studio. It was no big thing – more the idea of good, private arts television.’


Ulrike Rosenbach