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Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004
Günther Selichar, «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?», 1995 – 2004
Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004 | Photography | © Günther Selichar

Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? 1995/2004Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»Günther Selichar «Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?» | play video

Categories: Photography

Keywords: Computer graphic

Relevant passages:

«Document and Abstraction» | 2

Works by Günther Selichar:

Exposures| Screens, cold| Sources| Suchbilder

© Günther Selichar, VG Bildkunst, Fotos: G. Selichar, Screenshots: G. Selichar/Creativetime Inc., New York, Video: Atomic Elroy/G. Selichar/Creativetime Inc., New York

Isabell Heimerdinger «Terri Watching Gloria again»

 Günther Selichar
«Who´s´Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?»

In Who's Afraid of Blue, Red and Green, Günther Selichar invites
internet users to create digital animations using the three colors upon
which modern video, computer and television screens are based. Tipping
his hat to Barnet Newman's 1960s "zip paintings," Selichar devised a
platform for web-surfers to investigate the nuanced relationship between
distance, proportion, scale, color, and moving imagery.

Three exceptional submissions from a selection of six hundred were
chosen by an all-star jury - including the artist, Peter Halley, Carl
Goodman, Erwin Redl, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Barbara Pollack, Yvonne
Force, Anne Pasternak, Benjamin Weil, Justin Camerlengo and Sarah Jacobo
- to reveal the wild complexity and potential within the confines of a
simple visual system. View submissions in the gallery.

From June 24 - October 31, 2004, the winners had their moment of glory
on the Panasonic Astrovision by NBC, an icon set within the most
familiar screen-based urban landscape: Times Square. As this landmark
destination relentlessly dazzles and delights for pedestrian attention,
the chosen animations playfully uncovered a common denominator among
its ubiquitous screens. Who's Afraid of Blue, Red and Green, like all
works in The 59th Minute, appeared on the last minute of every hour of
the Astrovision's programming day.

"This project establishes a grassroots artistic movement in Times
Square, offering the individual an opportunity to both participate and
be represented in our mass media dominated society. The three finalists
responded to the project in a convincing and precise manner by
simultaneously showing its complex possibilities and the beauty of
simplicity." - Günther Selichar

(Yael Reinhartz, Creativetime Inc. New York 2004, link: