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Jörg Sasse «9137, 2004»
Jörg Sasse, «9137, 2004», 2004
Photography | © Jörg Sasse
Open as full size image
100 x 140 cm

Jörg Sasse «8626, 1999»| Monika Fleischmann «Murmuring Fields»

 Jörg Sasse
«9137, 2004»

Sasse meanwhile works primarily with found photo-material that he post-processes by altering its size and color qualities. As titles, his images receive no more than a four-figure combination of digits and the respective production date, namely the year in which the found material was post-processed. The color-drenched stage setting is altered to the point where it seems to dissolve in fields of color and its lighting heightens dramatically.